Saturday, November 10, 2007

To-Do List

So I was preparing to write an interesting post about lead singers of bands or groups... but I found this interesting video on my dashboard.

So from that video I have decided to weekly post my current to-do list. Since this is the first of the to-do lists It will be a list of things that I wanted or did accomplish this last week.

To-do list #1

1. Figure out what to get Robin for his Birthday. Only 8 days left.

2. Hang Tea Cup pictures, that have been sitting around the house for a year.

3. Keep looking for a job.

4. Stay current with my weightwatchers program.

5. Keep current with my Blog postings.

6. Learn a new song on the guitar.

7. Buy new strings. (strings broke due to number 6)

8. Buy wife flowers for anniversary.

9. Limit visits to 5 times a day.

10. Pray more often for the Giants to do well this next season... I suppose they will now that Barry is gone.

11. Take care of the garbage.

12. Take a bike ride.

13. Finish Character profiles from my short story.

14. Be less critical of others.

15. Be less stalkerish when I am feeling nostalgic.

16. Play less World of Warcraft.

17. Wash my car.

18. Do laundry.

19. No really do laundry.

21. Clean up computer room, especially my desk.

22. Stop terrorizing the cats :)

23. Keep up with my Italian.

That was about all that I had time for this week, and to be honest I didn't really have time for all of it. Such as cleaning the computer room, or doing the laundry. I don't even remember what happened to number 20. Well check in next week, life should be more organized by then.

Ciao ciao,

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